Colour. We live it, breathe it, eat it, sleep it.

It is so woven into our life fabric we can't imagine life without it.

Most, if not all - of the people I mentor in interior design business always ask, ' When do we get to the colour bit ??' It's the core of interior design it seems - it's the most universally grasped concept of interior design across cultures. It has its place in religion, culinary arts, clothing, occasions and even emotions.

A colour can be the tipping determinant on whether you get that job interview, get stopped by the traffic policeman, get that business contract, attract a potential lover, increase traffic to your website, eat more or less, be calm or agitated, heal from a disease....yes, it's that powerful.


Fun colour facts....

We've included thousands of these tips and more in our FREE Mobile application Greencow available on Google playstore.

By tapping the 'Colour-tips' tab, you are taken to the screen above that gives you access to various fun and cool colour tips that can be practically used during your projects.

Have fun !


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